Case Study
Brushpicks™ – “Point of Pick” Guerrilla Marketing & Sampling Campaign
Build a fledgling brand from a cult following to a category leader using hand-to hand sampling alone. Increase consumer base significantly and create broad appeal for this niche product.
ZAG Solution:
Send armies of well trained brand ambassadors to flood major, strategic, food festivals and other large consumer events where “street foods” are the delicacy of choice. Utilize strong call to action branding, well trained staff and a carefully conceived pitch to influence people in a place and at a time when they need Brushpicks™ the most – while they’re eating foods like roasted corn, barbecued ribs, kettle corn and cheese steak sandwiches. ZAG also
- Program ran for 4 consecutive years
- Program contributed significantly to double digit sales growth with clear data to show correlation between sampling/guerrilla marketing activity and sales
- Brand became category leader after only 1 year of the program
- More than 10 million consumers have been reached on a one-to-one basis
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